Thursday, 25 May 2017


I wait for  Thursdays. That is the day when I have a very brief conversation with an outsider that has almost become a ritual. The water guy from Nestle! He also happens to be a compatriot - from Changanachery.
Thursday is also the day our weekend begins and I go to the kitchen at 5 a.m. with a song in my heart "thank god it's Thursday". I have two days to unwind and not dread the morning preparation of breakfast and lunch.
And Thursday is when we sit up late into the night till about 2 am just watching TV or visiting a mall.  Never mind that we have to be up early for the Friday mass or Sunday School for kids.  Friday is our Sunday here. Jesus died on a Friday, so Friday is just as holy for me, I tell/remind/console myself.
But I miss my Sundays back home. When the pace of life goes backward and there are fewer vehicles on the streets.
p.s. My other compatriot friends include elderly Moosakka at the provision shop who has a pleasant word for many Malloos as they shop for veggies or the cashier boy from Mahe at Carrefour who calls me chechi as if I am his chechi :)

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